
Anything you like? Contact us at tc1861@yahoo.com or ted.caldwell@comcast.net Thanks!

Wilder 1


Here we have a grouping that I picked up in Central Indiana that belonged to Private James Franklin Caster of Company B, 72nd Indiana Infantry. This grouping was on display at the Beech Grove Civil War show in 2017 and featured by the IndyStar on April 1st.

The items in this grouping consist of :

1. Wilder's Brigade Reunion Photo take on September 25th, 1911 in front of Central Christian Church in Lebanon Indiana. The frame measures 41 1/2 inches long by 8 inches tall. This Church still exists today and is very active near Downtown Lebanon, Indiana. The stained glass window and most of the facade is the same today as it was on Sept. 25th, 1911 when this photo was taken.

2. Riker case with a 1916 Reunion Badge with Gen. Wilder's Photo in excellent condition as well as 7 Eagle Coat buttons off his uniform, 1 eagle cuff button and 1 coin button that he must have picked up somewhere.

Take a look at the pics! For the grouping $1,250.00



Here is a letter written by Lt. Henry W. Tutewiler at General Wilder's request in October of 1889 for Henry's recollection of the Battle of Chickamauga written on TUTEWILER UNDERTAKER letterhead. Henry was an undertaker in Indianapolis. Henry was also a great personal friend of the General Wilder. The letter consists of 9 pages written on one side only. Here is Henry's Bio:

Henry Tutewiler Residence Indianapolis IN; Enlisted on 7/11/1863 as a Private. On 7/11/1863 he mustered into "C" Co. IN 107th Infantry He was Mustered Out on 7/18/1863 at Indianapolis, IN This unit was organized to repel Col. John Hunt Morgan from the Southern Part of Indiana. Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.: Henry W. Tutewiler Residence Indianapolis IN; Enlisted on 9/1/1864 as a 2nd Lieutenant. On 9/1/1864 he was commissioned into "D" Co. IN 17th Infantry He was Mustered Out on 7/5/1865 Promotions: * Qtr Master 9/17/1864 Intra Regimental Company Transfers: * 9/17/1864 from company D to Field & Staff

Here is a transcrip of this original handwritten letter by Henry:

Letter from Lt. Henry Tutewiler to Col. John T. Wilder describing the battle of Chickamauga. This letter is from Tutewiler Undertaker (Henry's post war business) in Indianapolis dated October 25th, 1889 and is addressed to General J. T. Wilder: Dear Sir, In conpliance with your request go give you a statement in writing of the part taken by your Brigade in the Battle of Chickamauga, as I saw and understood it. I take pleasure in doing so to the best of any recollection. On friday morning the 18th of September 1863 we wre at Alexander's Bridge. We had a skirmish line beyond Chickamauga Creek and some of our soldiers were over on that side with the skirmishers gathering frapes when the Rebel advance appeared. In a very sort time it became evident that the enemy was in our front in great force. We could see their guns on the rise. Your first call in your stass was to Lieut J.T. Dury. He was ordered to go cown to the bridge and orde the men to fall back to our side of the creek and destroy the bridge as rapidly as possibly by tearing up the boards and the roadway and throwing them into the stream. Your second order was to me. I was such to the officer in charge of the ammunition train, ordering him to pull out unto the road where the shell from the enemy's guns would not reach him. Lieut Dury while carrying out yur order had his foot torn off by a shell. He rode up to thie side of one of the ammunition wagons and was helped off his horse into the wagon. I bid him good bye and saw him no more. He was the first of your staff to be wounded. We held our position and prevented the enemy from crossing until late in the afteroon when a Staff Officer brough an order for us to fall back to the main road as the Rebels had driven Genl' Minty's Command back and more crossing above and would soon be in our rear. We did so, leaving four companies under Major Marquis as a rear guard. After coming out onto the road you became uneasy about the safety of our four companies and sent Chaplain Laytin of the 17th Ind. to order Major Marquis to fall back in the other road. Not being satisfied with the Chaplains movements your remarked "That Chaplain will never go in there". You looked around and I being the only one with you at the line. You said "Henry I hate tosend you in there but that Chaplain has hurried into the woods and I don't believe he intends to carry out my order". I told you that I would go. You said "be careful". I went back to where I could see the bridge and found that Major Marquis had anticipated your order and withdrawn his command by way of the other road and that the rebel advance was following him up. I found myself between the rebel advances and their main army. I was within one hundred yards and in plain sight of thousands of them but having on a semi military suit was taken for a reble and by falling in behind the advances I got into the woods and worked my way off to the left until out of sight and there under cover of darkness succeeded in joining you about nine oclock at night. Lieut Van Pelt had reported seeing me ling deat at the foot of a tree. I received a royal welcome. You took me in your arms and with tears in your eyes thanked God that I was back safe and sound. (Excues me for this reference to myself, it made an impression in my mind that I can never forget.) We remained in line of battle close to the road all night. It was very dark and the firing constant sometimes approaching the dignity of a battle. I remember a little house with an open porch in front where you made your Headquarters and that we had the head quarter horses in the rear of the house to same them from the enemies bullets. Whatever forse was in our from they were held in check and prevented from taking possession of the road which seemed to be their objective point. Saturday morning we entered across an open field about a quarter of a mile, maybe not so far. Our line exending along the edge of the timber and across a corn field with open ground all along our front through which there was a ravine running diagonally across the field. The men mad the best devense they could by using rails and what logs they could find in the woods so that by lying down they has some protection. During the morinig Genl Rosecrans visited one line and held a council with you. I remember when he started away he said "Genl. Wilder can you hold this line" You said you could. He said "Wilder, I depend on you. Hold this pisition at all Hazards. I know you won't fail me". About 11 oclock a b=Brigade of Infantry appeared on our right coming up from the direction of Lee & Gordan's Mill. (My impression is that the commanding officer was Col Gross). He came to you and said "Wilder what are you doing here". You answered, "holding this line". Why daid he "There is nothing in your front". You answered that " the woods across the road was full of rebels". He answered "I don't believe it. There can't be more that a skirmish line if that". You told him with considerable forse to take his brigade and he could soon find out. He siad "That's just what I intended to do". We saw them moveout in line of battle, colors flying in great shap. When the firing commenced they moved in a double quick but some came out in the run. The Rebels continuing to advance brougth in our engagement with one Brigade which drove them back. Our Brigade at this time left our line of defence and drove the revels back into the woods where being heavily reinforced you thought it best to withdraw to our former position. We were hardly in place until the revels charged us again with increasing numbers only to be drive back with great loss. In a short itme there was a cessation of fighting and both sides by common consent devoted some time to the gathereing up and caring for the wounded but it was only for a short time. For the third time the Revels advanced. We could see that they had been heavily reinforced and on they come as thought nothing could stop them. WE felt that the critical time had come and although our guns wee double shorted and our mem worked their spencers with desperate energy, they continued to advance until in some places they ere withing 60 yards or less of our lines before they waned then stopped and slowly began to fall back, then broke into a run. Many of them stopping in the ravine from which they continued firing until an exploding fire from our pieces of one battery which was run out for that purose swept the ravine with grape and cannister resulting in frightful carnage. ths was one last hard fighting for saturday. Darmness coming in we remainied in position ready for whatever might come. There was no night atack. Every thing was quite making the groans and cries of the wounded painfully distinct late into the night. I should say about one or two oclock you visitied Genl. Thomas Headquarters. I held your horse and did not hear our conversation with Genl Thomas. Sunday morning the 20th opened wth everything quite in our front. The men were supplied with ammunition and about ten oclock we moved back o the hills across the road near the Widow Glenns house. About two oclock we could see the enemy advancing in overwhelming numbers directing their attack upon the troops and batteries on our left where their front had gained the high ground in which the Widow Glenn's house was situated. You determined to charge there and fave orders to that effect. There was a regiment of infantry just behind our brigade and a little to our left that looked as thought they were on dress parage. Their uniforms were clean and new and they evidently not been engaged. You sent me with a message to the Colonel Commanding to say that you were about to charge with your Brigade and would be pleased tohave him join us with his Regiment or at least move up to our support. He answered "I don't believe I am taking orders from Col. Wilder today". I reported his answer to you and you said "Damn his cowardly soul. I'll see him later". When we cam back fro the charge the regiment was gone. I suppos had started for Chattanooga. After getting back into position you sent , I think it was Lieut Harding of the 123rd Illinois and myslef to Genl Sheridan. We found him about a quarter fo a mile to our left with a hlaf dozen orderlies around him. He saw us coming and waited for us. We gave him your compliments and told him we were instructed by to to say that your brigade was in good fighting order and ready to join his command or receive any order he might be pleased to five. His answer was "By God I have no command". Then gestering to his orderlies he said Here is my command, you tell Wilder he had better get his Brigade into Chattanooga as quick as he possibly can. We pent the remaining hours of daylight in gathering up stragglers and getting what cannon and wagons we could out into the road toward Chattanooga. and at dark went into camp in line of battle between Lookout and MIssion Ridge. About 8 oclock a Staff Officer belonging to Van Cleve's Headquarters who had lost his way came up. You asked him about the battle. He said the result was uncertain but that he had been told that Gen. Thomas said he held his position and was claming a great victory. Half hour later a Captain in Genl McCooks staff came up who said "We was whipped all to Hell", and that he was going into Chattagooga and advised you to follow with your Brigade. We remainied in position until Monday morning where whch our stragglers recovered cannons, wagons and prisoners. We moved down into Chattagooga nd the Brigade crossing the River on the pontoons moved up to Friar's Island where you was taken sick and started for home Wednesday mrning at 4 oclock crossing the Waldren Range of Mountains and taking the train at Bridgeport 8 oclock that night for home. Respectfully submitted. Henry W. Tutewiler

This letter is just outstanding!!! For this original handwritten recollection of the Battle of Chickamauga $950.00



Here we have a CDV photoengraveur of General William T. Sherman. He burned a path from Atlanta to the Sea but spared Savannah due to it's beauty. The interesting thing about this CDV is that on the back is written in ink 'Presented to Will B. Reynolds by a soldier of the 17th Ind. Vols. '!! As we all know the 17th Indiana Volunteers was part of Wilder's Brigade!!! If he was an Indiana Soldier then there are 34 Soldiers named Will Reynolds. There was a Reynolds in the 17th Indiana but not Will Reynolds. We'll never know who the 17th Indiana Soldier was but it's really interesting! For this CDV $125.00

Wilder 4


Here's a great US Belt Plate that belonged to John L. Gabriel, Co. B, 17th Indiana Infantry "Wilder's Brigade'! Check out the pics! $395.00

Wilder 5

Here is a grouping for John W. Ryan who was originally in the 17th Indiana Infantry. Here's John's bio:

John W. Ryan According to history he enlisted first as a private into the 17th Indiana May 13th, 1861. Residence Anderson IN; Enlisted on 6/12/1861 as a 1st Sergeant. On 6/12/1861 he mustered into "G" Co. IN 17th Infantry He was discharged for promotion (date not stated) Promotions: * 1st Lieut (1st Lieut & Adjutant, as of 34th IN Inf) * 2nd Lieut 1/8/1862 This lot consists of:

1. 11 X 14 framed copy of John's commission into the 17th Indiana dated 17th of January 1862 signed by Govenor Morton and Laz Noble, Adj Gen for Indiana Militia. Unfortunately it has tape repairs but it is what it is. Also signed by the Sec. of State for Indiana.

2. 11 X 14 framed copy of John's commission into the 34th Indiana Infantry dated March 20th, 1862. Again signed by Govenor Morton and Laz Noble. Also signed by the Sec. of State for Indiana. Fewer tape repairs, small piece missing near center right and folds. Both documents are easily readable.

3. Early copy of a document belonging to John Ryan showing his History in the 17th Indiana and the 34th Indiana. Document shows that he was wounded at Shiloh, TN during battle. John participated in many battles with the 34th Indiana. This copy document is 15 X 20 inches.

4. Here is a photo postcard of Mrs. Ryan sitting on the front steps of their home in Muncie, Indiana.

5. We have a bust photo of John Ryan probably around 1875 - 1880 showing him with a big moustache.

6. This next photo is a full standing photo of John that was taken at the same time as the one about. He's wearing the same clothes and looks the same otherwise as well.

7. Lastly, I have a hand written document by John that I believe to be his live record or perhaps his obituary. Many people wrote their own obituary. He talks about the 17th and 34th Indiana Infantry, when married, when his wife died, where he lived, his children living and dead, etc.

This grouping was featured in WARMAN's Civil War Collectibles book. Take a look at the pics! For this grouping $450.00


Here's a Women's Relief Corps Presdent Medal and ribbon. This organization was like the Ladies auxillary to the GAR and came with Wilder Brigade Items. The medal is in generally very good condition with the blue ribbon being somewhat soiled. The Metal pieces have all turned a nice dark bronze with a reddish tint. The Ribbon, which is in fair condition, is for the 24th Annual Convention May 9-10-11 1917 and is actually for the Ladies of the GAR but they came together with Lt.Henry Tutewiler's items so we will keep them together. For the pair $30.00



A 'Pain' bullet from Nashville, Tennessee as well as an Eagle Coat Button, .58 caliber round ball (says .69) and a 52 caliber Civil War Spencer Bullet. Wilder's Brigade used Spencers. I do not know if Henry collected these items or not. $35.00


Here's a grouping of 5 items that concerns the generous $1,200 donation by A.A. McKain to complete the Wilder Brigade Monument in Chickamauga Battlefield. On August 19th, 1898, while at a meeting of the Wilder's Brigade held at Greenup, General Wilder stated that the money to complete the Brigade monument is now in the bank except for $1,200 to complete it. Upon hearing this A.A. McKain wrote the check to finish the monument. Mr. McKain said although he was too young to fight with the brigade during the war he could contribute by donating the money needed to complete the mission. For this selfless act Mr. McKain was elected an honorary member of the Brigade organization for life and that these resolutions be printed on sild and forwarded to him. Here we have that Resolution of Facts on Silk. These 4 items were in the possession of General Wilder's good friend Lt. Henry Wesley Tutewiler of Wilder's Brigade 17th Indiana. So the 5 items listed here are:

1. The Silk 3 1/2 inch by 11 inch ribbon RESOLUTION OF THANKS to A.A. McKain in excellent condition.

2. The earliest Photograph of the newly completed Wilder's Brigade Monument on 6 1/2 X 8 1/2 cardstock with the image measuring 7 3/8 X 4 1/4 inches and the image is in excellent condition with a few minor chips to the edge of the cardstock. The great thing about this is that on the back is the inscription "A.A.McKain Esqr. with the compliments of J.T.Wilder'! There are a couple of Manufacturer companies listed in pencil on the back. Great!!!!

3. Two Cabinet Card photos of A.A.McKain and his wife Ellen probably in the 1880's or so.

4. Later 4 1/4 X 3 1/4 inch albumin on chipped cardstock of a later in life and clean shaven A.A.McKain and wife.

Excellent small grouping ! $650.00



Here's something I haven't seen before. Here is a Train Promotion that promotes 'THE WILDER BRIGADE SPECIAL. TENNESSEE TO MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT G.A.R. AUG. 13TH TO 16H, 1906.' This piece was in Wilder's Brigade 17th Indiana Lt. Henry Tutewilers possessions. The document has came apart at one seam but can be fixed and should be matted and framed. Has a great photo of General Wilder at the top! * X 11 inches. For this piece $65.00


Hee we have a Flyer Showing General Wilder's photo in GAR uniform with 'GEN. JOHN T. WILDER THE CANDIDATE OF "THE BOYS" FOR COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF 1907'. Also there are several newspaper clippings of the day entitled 'TO AN OLD BATTLE FLAG', THE VETERAN'S MARCH, THE FLAG OF OUR UNION, THE FLAG and on the back is an obituary for Linnaes C. Boyd. Mr. Boyd was not a veteran so he must have been a close personal friend of Lt. Tutewiler as this was in the Lt's possession. Take a look at the pic ! $45.00



Here is Regimental Order No. 33 that was in Lt. Tutewiler's possession. The document is as thusly ' Hd qrs (Headquarters) 17th Inda Vet Vols, Sept. 19, 1864

Regimental Order No. 33

1st Lt Frank M VanPell, acting R.Q.M. (Regimental Quarter Master) having received leave of absense for twenty (20) days is hereby relieved from duty as A.R.Q.M. (Acting Regimental Quarter Master) and will turn over all Government Property in his possession to Lt. Wm B. Edwards.

By Command of Lt Col J.G. Vail Wm E. Doyle Adjutant

The paper was so good then being rag pager that this piece is in excellent condition. Does have folds but no tears to the seams. Nice! $25.00



Here we have a 6 1/4 C 9 inch hand written in pencil letter on one side by Lt. Henry Tutewiler but is not signed by him. Here's what it says: 'I was a member of Co D, 17th Regt Ind Vols- John T. Wilder was Colonel commanding. I was detailed to serve as orderly and clerk for him in the fall of 1862 and was with him constantly util he resigned in October 1864- He was troubled more or less all the time with chronic diarrhea but continued in active service. After the Battle of Chicamauga (sic) he was so completely exhausted and run down that our Brigade Surgeon Dr. Munford insisted that in order to safe his life he must go home and tale a rest. Leave of absense was granted and I was detailed to go with him to nurse and care for him on account of above named disability'.

I imagine that this document was a draft and the final was probably used to help justify Colonel Wilder's leave of absence and subsequent retirement from Military Service. Guranteed to be from Lt. Tutewiler. $65.00



Here we have a Military Pass signed By Colonel John T. Wilder of Wilder's 'LIghtning' Brigade! This document measures 2 3/4 inches by 7 3/4 inches and is a field-press pass entitled HEAD-QUARTERS UNITED STATES FORCES, OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL , Columbia, Tenn. July 27, 1864. GUARDS AND PICKETS: Pass Mr. Chapman and Eastman to Through the lines and return, Good for THIS day. BY ORDER OF John T. Wilder, Col. Commanding Post. Countersigned by Provost Marshal C.C. Starkweather, Capt. It has a few folds but is in very good condition. $165.00


Here we have a postcard with Lt. Henry W. Tutewiler's civilian photo on it dated Dec 28, 1912 along with a Check signed by him dated 1873 to SHAW & LIPPINCOTT MANUFACTURING CO. for $373.00. This check is dated on June 13, 1873 and is on the Indiana National Bank in Indianapolis. the check has been cut cancelled. On the back of the check is written in pencil 'FOR BUGGY'. At this time in Henry's life he was the City Treasurer of Indianapolis. He was treasurer from 1872 to 1876. For the lot of two items. $65.00


Here's a in ink hand written letter from the Society of the Army of the Cumbeland, Cincinnati, Dated June 15, 1889 that was found among some of General Wilder's personal items that was purchased in lot by a gentleman who sold it to a friend of mine. This letter is from General Henry M. Cist and is opened simply by MY DEAR GENERAL. General Cist was Born: 02/20/1839 in Cincinnati, OH and Died: 12/17/1902 in Rome, Italy. He started out as a 2nd LT in the 52nd Ohio Infantry and in 1865 was breveted a Brig. General. Here is a capsule history of the 52nd who also fought at Perryville, KY: OHIO FIFTY-SECOND INFANTRY (Three Years) Fifty-second Infantry. - Col., Daniel McCook; Lieut.- Cols., Daniel D. T. Cowen, Charles W. Clancy; ; Majs., Israel D. Clark, James T. Holmes. This regiment was organized at Camp Dennison, in Aug., 1862, to serve for three years. At sunrise on Aug. 25, it left Camp Dennison for Lexington, Ky., passing through Cincinnati. The fall and winter of 1862 and the summer of 1863 were occupied by the regiment in various marches and detail work in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama, Chickamauga being its first actual engagement. There it took a prominent part and was one of the last regiments to leave the field. From that time until the opening of the Atlanta cam- paign the regiment was again variously employed, marching, doing guard duty, etc. At Resaca it performed a prominent part, making a charge with success but at a sad cost of life. It was in the terrible struggle at Kennesaw mountain, and was busily engaged through all the movements up to Atlanta, main- taining throughout its fine reputation for discipline, courage, and endurance. From Atlanta it moved with Sherman's army to Savannah and thence through the Carolinas northward. Then came the march to Washington, the review before the president and cabinet, and the final muster-out on June 3, 1865.

The letters content is as such that he is talking about a list of Confederate Brigadier Generals addresses. The letter ends with his signature across the bottom. The ink is nice and dark with no damage to the paper. 8 X 10 inch written on one side only with a reference to this letter being written to General John T. Wilder from General Cist on the back. This is nice.



Here we have a General Orders No. 322 in the Lt. Henry W. Tutewilers, Wilder Brigade collection. This GO has to do with naming Major Geneal Gordon Granger the commander of the 20th and 21st Army Corps consolidation into the 4th Army Corps. Also it was directed that a Court of Inquiry be convened to inquire and report unot the conduct of Major Generals McCook and Crittenden in the battles of the 19th and 20th , September 1863 which was the Battle of Chickamauga. $15.00


Here we have orders from the Adjutant Generals Office in Washington, January 16, 1863 having to do with a death notice of Lt. Col. Garesche who was killed at Murfreesboro, saying that he was instantly killed by a cannon ball. This page is torn out of a book and is printed on both sides. Here is his bio:

Julius Peter Garesche Residence was not listed; Enlisted on 5/14/1861 as a Major. On 5/14/1861 he was commissioned into US Army Adjutant Gen'l Dept He was Killed on 12/31/1862 at Murfreesboro, TN Promotions: * Lt Colonel 7/17/1862 Other Information: born in Cuba (Graduate USMA 1841) Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.: - Heitman: Register of United States Army 1789-1903 - Photo courtesy of Massachusetts Commandery of MOLLUS (c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. @ www.civilwardata.com From Lt. Tutewilers papers: $15.00


Here we have a IN MEMORIAN for the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the State of Ohio Circular No. 18 Series of 1900 done in Cincinnati, April 18, 1900. The Loyal Legion was a veterans organization for Officers of the Civil War much like the GAR which allowed all Union Civil War Veterans to join. This Memorial is for Jacob Randolph Stewart who was Captain of the 17th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Here' s his bio:

Jacob R. Stewart Residence Memphis IN; Enlisted on 6/8/1861 as a 2nd Lieutenant. On 6/12/1861 he was commissioned into "A" Co. IN 17th Infantry He Resigned on 12/14/1862 Promotions: * Capt 1/17/1862 (As of Co. B)

What is not listed is that he enlisted in April 1861 as First Sergeant, Company A, 17th Indiana. This particular Memoriam came from Western Reserve HIstorical Society of Cleveland, O. and is an original piece printed on both sides. For this piece $15.00



Here we have another BATTLE OF CHICKAMAUGA 40TH ANNIVERSARY AND REUNION WILDER'S BRIGADE PROGRAM that was handed out at the Chickamauga National Park September 18,19, and 20 1903. Nice pic of the Wilder's Brigade Monument on the front cover. This was folded in two spots to put into a jacket pocket. This one was also in Lt. Henry Tutewiler's possessions. It's in good condition but is showing it's age. Many photos inside including one of Gen. Wilder. There is a railroad schedule on the back and prices along with a photo of the Engine "General". $65.00


Here we have a handwritten copy of Regimental Order No. 33 dated Sept 19, 1864 for the 17th Indiana Vet Vols. involving 1st Lt Frank Van Pell being relieved from duty. Check out the pic! This document was also in the possession of Lt. Henry Tutewiler. The document is written on one side and has folds with very minor separations. Easy to read and dark ink. Signed by Lt. Col. Vail and Adjutant William Doyle. At the top of this page in the large reunion photo shown is a pic of 1st Lt. Frank Pell in later years. For this piece $25.00


Here we have a small post war photo Marked No 55 in pencil of a Cheveuaux de frise in front of Rebel Fort and so marked in ink on the back. The card measures almost 4 X 4 with the image being about 3 X 3. The image is quite clear with some damage to the mount but just a tiny bend to the image where the mount is damaged. This piece is entitle 1861-1865 THE WAR FOR THE UNION PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY and was done at the turn of the century for the public. This photo was made from an original negative. These could only be obtained from John C. Taylor of Hartford, Conn. For this one from Henry's collection $20.00


Here is a nice photo from Lt. Tutewiler's collection by J. H. Gaston, Lookout Mountain Photograph Gallery being Point Lookout. The cardstock is 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 inch with the image just slightly smaller. The first concessioner on Lookout Mountain was J.H. Gaston, who obtained a revocable license to operate a photograph gallery in Point Park in 1899. Gaston in 1901 turned the business over to George T. Linn and William A. Rollins, who in 1905 renewed the license for "the exclusive right to make photographs of persons for profit so this image dates from that 1899 to 1901 time frame. The image is quite clear and details are easy to make out. Take a look at the pics! For this early photograph $65.00


Here we have an old photo of General Grant at Lookout Mountain. He has with him Gen. Rawlins, Gen. Webster, Col. Lagow and Col. Killyer according to the ink written Id's on the front of the photo. On the back of the photo is the same thing that is on the back just printe on in the old style memograph purple ink. Looks like the kids scribbled on the back of the photo but luckily not on the front!!! 20th century copy. For this piece $45.00


We have here a hand written letter in INK from a soldier named Richtstine. I did not find him in the 17th Indiana's roster but the Letterhead is for the 17th Indiana so he may have been a substitute or enlisted under another name or just a misspelling in the official records. The letter starts orr by saying that he is camped near Huntsville, Alabama and is dated Nov the 28th, 1863 which is correct for the 17th. 'Dear Farther and Mother and Brother and Sister, I received your kind letter a few days ago and was truly glad to hear from you to hear you were all well. It had been some time sind I heard from you . I am well and hearty hoping these few lines will find you well . Well I have just come in off of a scout. We were down on the Tennisee River. We had one pretty sharp little fight wit the rebs. Give them a good whipping and they went back down the River again. The bullets sung around me prety lcose but none to harm me. I guess we will leave here in the morning that is the report. Where will go is all in the future yet. Mother I want to see you all but I can't leave my work long enough. It is a hard piece of work that Uncle Sam has got for his boys to do. I think we will get through about next September if no mishap. Well I have pretty hard times but I always lood out for no one when I haven't noting to eat the best lives pretty slim. I am third Corporal makes it some easier on me. If I could get to talk with you one hour I could tell you more than I can in 2 weeks on paper but when I come home I will tell you all about it. well I guess I will have to close for this time. I will write every chance I get. Now write soon and often. Don't fail. Your Son Z P ? Richtstine'. On the 4th page he writes 'I jsut got a letter from my wife. she was well. tell Itsy and Mug to write. I never hear from them anymore. Save my Colts for me. Z. P.? Richtstine. From Lt. Tutewiler's papers. For this letter. $75.00


Here we have a silk fragment of the Abraham Lincoln Funeral Flag that was displayed in Indianapolis in one of the funeral cars during the Funeral Train's stop here. This also was in Lt. Tutewilers possessions . The fragment measures about 1 1/2 X 8 inches and is red and white. For this piece of history $100.00


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